Flowers in the Forest

Usually, we’re up in the forest for the trees, and those are certainly lovely.

But it’s spring in the forest, and it has flowers, too. We even saw a cineraria. The native garden is finally all green. The pink-flowered currant is over, but a scattering of golden california poppies punctuate the green of the grass; there’s some pink checkerbloom (also called wild hollyhock); some lupin is flowering, and so is the ceanothus. And little patches of luminous yellow oxalis.

A sunny day, and so there were butterflies. Anise Swallowtails air-dancing, and this time it may have been a mating dance rather than a territorial one, though we couldn’t be sure. A female cabbage white (Thanks, Art Shapiro of UC Davis for the identification) browsed the oxalis. There were some red butterflies, too, but they didn’t settle long enough for an identification – could have been Tortoiseshells.

Little patches of forget-me-nots are blooming along the trails, but the loveliest beds of them lined the top end of Nike Road (which connects the Aldea campus to the Native Garden). Light-blue drifts of flowers, blooming right under the eucalyptus (where, the myth has it, nothing grows).

Oh, and no Garlon or Roundup. (Thanks, UCSF.)

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