Whom to contact


Us:  You can email us at fk94131 at yahoo.com (We’ll also see any comments you leave anywhere on this website or blog.)

The UC Board of Regents

The University of California Board of Regents are the ultimate decision-makers (though they will be strongly influenced by the UCSF Chancellor’s views).


Contact details are HERE.


City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102

London Breed, Mayor of San Francisco
Telephone: (415) 554-5977

Environmental Review Officer, San Francisco Planning Dept.
1650 Mission Street, Suite 400, San Francisco, CA 94103

Department of the Environment
11 Grove Street, San Francisco CA 94102
Phone (415) 355 3700


1. Cole Valley Improvement Association
(This organization supports the plan)

CVIA, P.O. Box 170611, San Francisco, CA 94117
(415) 431-1414

2. West of Twin Peaks Central Council

They are “a resource for the neighborhood organizations in the western part of San Francisco.”

West of Twin Peaks Central Council
PO Box 27112
San Francisco, CA 94127

13 Responses to Whom to contact

  1. George Wertheim says:

    This is a truly interesting and useful set of resources of great value to our local community!

  2. savesutro says:

    Thanks! That’s what we hope to achieve with this website.

  3. John says:

    I hope I am posting this in the right place. I just read about the plan to deforest Sutro Forest in the Examiner. As someone who grew up in the City I have fond memories of running around in there as a teenager and would hate to see it go or be endangered. I’m all for native plants but to use this argument would mean that you are also in favor of turning Golden Gate Park back into sand dunes! I just wanted to say that if UCSF wants to receive FEDERAL funds for this project then there are a whole heap o’ requirements that they are going to have to adhere to VIGOROUSLY. I would imagine that the EIR on this would be huge and costly at UCSF’s expense and make them want to think again. As a contract archaeologist I have participated in many arachaeological surveys and excavations in our national forests prior to logging. Has Sutro Forest ever been surveyed archaeologically? Surely this has been considered and brought up at meetings? How are the logging machines and trucks going to access these trees to be removed? Has anyone looked into the potential archaeological impact of this project? If not, I would bring this up on the record at the next meeting. Having worked near Alturas on archaeological projects that resulted from private citizens receiving federal funds for the juniper eradication project, I would hate to see UCSF be surprised after the fact like these people who thought they were onto a free handout were by any expensive mitigation that would be mandated by the use of federal funds. Let’s do our best to allow UCSF to see the best way to avoid this is to scrap the project altogether. Didn’t Kroeber used to have Ishi hangout up there??

    • savesutro says:

      Thanks. Neighbors have a lot of concerns about this project, foremost being that it will actually increase the fire hazard. I don’t think anyone has considered archaeological sites. Perhaps it should.

  4. The Garden Coach says:

    I just walked Stanyan Street and am amazed the neighbors are not more alarmed at the state of those Eucalyptus right behind their homes.
    Simply crazy this site is helpful in so many areas but the obvious.
    I hope neighbors at least get the assessment they deserve and get the help they need to address the impending Eucalyptus management problem right in their backyard.
    Just ask any arborist or forester.
    We are going to need a lot of resources to get the job done and some some support from SaveSutro.

    Good luck neighbors!

    • savesutro says:

      Uh, Garden Coach?

      Stanyan doesn’t have eucalyptus. The area proposed for the Edgewood cut is on the other side, behind the hospital.

  5. Sutro Resident says:

    Looks like it might be time to update the mayor info 🙂

    Aside from that have you contacted Sean Elsbernd with concerns, if so what has his response been?

    What about the Audubon society or similar to help fight the destruction of this ecosystem?

    • webmaster says:

      Thanks, updating the Mayor!
      (We did email Sean Elsbernd earlier, when the FEMA application was still live. His take on it at the time was that he supported UCSF, if their project was really to improve fire-safety. Golden Gate Audubon has traditionally supported Native Plant interests.)

  6. Tony Holiday says:

    Hi – just for your information. Tried to email TPIA and the Cole Valley people just now but got error messages… undeliverable.

    Webmaster: Thanks for letting us know. We had an outdated address for TPIA, corrected now.

    • Danny says:

      Can someone contact me regarding pesticide poisoning symptoms of garlon 4 and respirator requirements for applicators. You can reach me at Skwinxluna@yahoo.com. the contact yahoo email address isn’t valid so thought I’d try n find someone by leaving comment here

      • webmaster says:

        Hi Danny, the email address works, but because comments are 100%-moderated (we get a lot of spam) there’s sometimes a delay of a day or two. We’ll try to get more information to you, or some contacts who can go into this. – SaveSutro

        Also – respirators for applying Garlon 4 were required by San Francisco Department of the Environment Integrated Pest Management in 2011, but the requirement was removed in 2012. – SaveSutro

  7. Danny says:

    Hi, trying to chat with someone who knows something about pesticide poisoning symptoms related to garlon 4. Like if someone who worked with it might be experiencing. Also a little more on wearing a respirator being required cause I’ve read the label n didn’t pick that up. I’ll keep checking back on this site to see comments

    • webmaster says:

      Hi Danny,
      Garlon can cause skin, eye and lung irritation according to a Cornell extension website: http://psep.cce.cornell.edu/Tutorials/core-tutorial/module09/index.aspx
      They also say, “The symptoms of pesticide poisoning are similar to those of other types of poisoning and of other diseases. Heat exhaustion, food poisoning, asthma, and other illnesses are sometimes confused with pesticide poisoning.”

      It suggests that there’s a low risk of “acute” poisoning (that is, an immediate effect). But for anecdotes, please see the comments below this article: https://sutroforest.com/2010/04/17/garlon-in-our-watershed/

      We would suggest that the person tells their doctor if any breathing problems develop. The Cornell site also says, ” Medical Doctors Should Be Warned Ahead of Time. Many medical doctors may not be well informed as to the symptoms and treatment of pesticide poisoning. This is due to the few cases which they treat. Pesticide poisoning symptoms are similar to those of other illnesses and poisonings. You, the pesticide applicator, should tell your doctor which chemicals you use. Then he will know the symptoms and treatment, and can have the antidotes on hand.”

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