Stand with Miranda – Saving Forests in Tasmania

Miranda Gibson has spent one year living in a tree in a Tasmanian forest, protesting the logging of old-growth forest. We wrote about her about a year ago: Her “Day 13” blogpost. Her unflinching courage and dedication impressed us then. And though the forests she seeks to save are measured in square miles, it still resonated with us in our own effort to save Mount Sutro Forest. Today, it’s even more true.

Miranda in Tasmania

Protestor on a felled tree stump - TasmaniaWhen she climbed the tree in December 2011, it was summer in Tasmania. Winter in June and July brought rain and snow, but Miranda stayed in the tree. Her blog and Facebook page gained a worldwide audience. The BBC ran a story about her.

There’s more on the website of Still Wild Still Threatened, an organization that is working to preserve the most beautiful old-growth eucalyptus forests of Tasmania. (The image of the lone protestor above is from that website.)

We stand with Miranda.

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1 Response to Stand with Miranda – Saving Forests in Tasmania

  1. Pingback: Tasmania Saves its Forests: Thanks, Miranda! | Save Mount Sutro Forest

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